To my closest friends and family:
I wanted to share the news that I passed the US Patent Registration Exam today.
The exam was very difficult, and I felt that they were testing more on whether I knew how to search the MPEP (patent examination manual) rather than whether I memorized the thousands of rules that I did. The first half of the exam was very difficult; I wasn't sure I passed -- I didn't even quite finish or review ANY of the MANY questions I was unsure about and wanted to review if there was time. There wasn't.
During the lunch break, since most of the past exams that I took broadly covered the MPEP's chapters (with the usual weightings on Chapters 700, 2100, etc.), instead of eating lunch, I took a few bites and I looked over my notes for the topics that they DIDN'T yet ask about -- I quickly reviewed those rules. Sure enough, that was EXACTLY what they tested on. I wouldn't be surprised if I scored a perfect 50/50 on the second half.
At the end of the exam, I received the good news, along with a print out and a signed and stamped letter for my records that I passed the exam.
I wish you all the best, and I am very thankful for the support you have all given me while I studied for this exam, and all the others that preceded it.
Warm regards,
Zoe Strickman
WOOOHOOO!!!! Zoe you are a ROCK STAR!! :) I knew you would do great...
That's fantastic!!!!
Mamash Mazal Tov to you.
I am planning on taking it this Friday.
Any advice?
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