Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Fight with wife over SMS TEXT MESSAGES.

Okay, so again, I am the asshole.  I am the mean, pig-headed jerk who wronged my wife in her weak moments as she was planning to visit her dying grandmother.  Now she is not speaking to me.  Here are the texts as they actually happened.

[Spaces indicate that a pause of time has occurred, and the double-texts actually were sent to me that way -- her computer has a bug that sends double postings.  It happens on her facebook account as well.]

1:05PM ME: "I am excited that you have been able to pull off this trip.  Your determination is admirable."
1:26PM ME: "I never know why you can achieve goals for you but you can never help achieve goals for us."

HER: "that seemed rude. do you mean why dont i ask my parents for money for other things that are important to u?"
HER: "that seemed rude. do you mean why dont i ask my parents for money for other things that are important to u?"
1:55PM ME: "No. Your just good @getting things done when u put ur mind 2 it.  Just wish u'd get me outta here."

HER: "seriously? that seems to be a disgusting attitude. I wonder what you would be saying if this was Rivkah dying?"
2:02PM ME: "Didn't get your last message.  It was the same as the one before it."
3:23PM ME: "The speed @which u pulled 2gether this trip has made me so angry I dont think I can even look @u."
HER: "now you are making me sick!!!!! absolutely disgusting how you are able to twist everything and make it so ugly."
4:42PM ME: "If that is your response then you are selfish and blind to things around you."
HER: "now you are making me sick!!!!! absolutely disgusting how you are able to twist everything and make it so ugly."
4:44PM ME: "You are obviously an idiot if you think I am talking about your grandma."
4:47PM ME: "You are an inconsiderate selfish person who is out of touch with the concept of us."

HER: "i dont care about why you are upset. I am going to say good bye to my dying grandmother"
4:59PM ME: "I think I have a right 2 b hurt esp. since you still have no idea why Im upset despite my txts."
HER: "and you are making me do it alone! I need a supportive, kind husband, not a poor me lets talk aboutwhyiam sad"
5:03PM ME: "I Havent seen anything Youve been writing. You keep sending the same f'd up message over and over."
HER: "and you are making me do it alone! I need a supportive, kind husband, not a poor me lets talk aboutwhyiam sad"
5:07PM ME: "Moron."

5:19PM ME: "You are a fake. You are selfish. You are insensitive and uncommitted.  You are lazy.  You are a liar."

5:32PM ME: "I am tired of you taking me for granted.  I am tired of being the only one in our relationship."
HER: "I will not be talking to you until you apologize to me. If you need help understanding why, i have your texts."
Okay, so I obviously made things much worse than they needed to be.



Anonymous said...

You are a fake, You are selfish. you are insensitive. Look in the mirror. You both carry the same traits.

Why did you get married. This is painful to read. This is how a RELIGIOUS couple speaks to one another??? We are Jewish and not observant and we are 100% respectful of one another. Our children see how Jewish parents should treat one another. Your children see this disgusting behavior.

Zoe Strickman said...

I don't think its a religious issue or not. In truth, what you're getting at are the UNreligious parts of our lives and our interactions. Religious people are 100% or nothing. There's a lot in between. There are areas which we are pretty darn good, and there are areas which frankly we suck from even non-religious perspectives. We're not perfect and we're not even up to barebones normal or standard in many ways. That doesn't mean that is how RELIGIOUS people act.

Rae Macklyn said...

I think you two are beyond counseling...I seriously think a divorce would be more human for her and you. What hurts me greatly is thinking that although you cannot support them, you have brought so many children into the mix. Just my sincere thoughts, make of them what you will.

Anonymous said...

I cant believe you speak/write to your wife like that. This is scary.