I was thinking about how I'd like to spice up my life a bit. I have no interest in Rock & Roll, however, perhaps change is due. There is an event called Yidstock. It costs $30. I wonder if I should spend the money just to get out and to see what I'm missing. At the very least the food there is kosher, even Cholov Yisroel. I like that. I suppose it's better than going out to a club in the city like the Limelight or some other place I've been ranting about that a frum Jew should definitely NOT be at.
(I remember one time in college, a few of us from our dorm went to the Limelight and some girl asked me if I would like a sticker on the inside of my arm. There was a rainbow smiley face on the sticker. I said "sure," not knowing what it was. The rest of the night was exciting -- dancing on the stage with the other dancers, seeing vapor trails and colors, driving down a twisty 2nd Avenue (it's actually straight), and friends forcing me to pull over and sit in a pizza store for hours until I came off my high. Didn't realize until afterwards that it was all from the sticker I had on my arm.)
Maybe Yidstock is a way to rebel a bit, but in a "kosher" way.
Go for it!! or see Matisyahu in one of his shows with Trey Anastasio.
Also being in law, I know how taxing the profession can be. I think you should do what makes you feel good.
Yidstock sounds fablous, by the way!
ooooh, you bad boy. You HAVE lived after all eh? ;o) At least you're not entering into your frum lifestyle without living some life first. Yeah, not what it's cracked up to be huh?
I agree, it does sound amazing. My friend has a wedding that day. It was a good idea, however. I'll keep my eyes out for more events like this.
hi im one of the founders of yidstock and i just thought id let you all know there will be a yidstock67. twice as big as last years. and a battle of the bands. chek out facebook/yidstock67.
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