Today I sent telepathic messages to the various people I know with the expectation to put thoughts into various people's heads to influence the end result of last week's events. My goal was to create a happy ending which would start our meetings up again this week and which would give her and me another chance to see if we can find a way for us to work the idea of "us" into our future.
I told the girl through my telepathic message that living a religious life isn't so different from a secular life, and that the strong connection that we shared should be able to overcome any obstacles we had together. Plus, I told her that I'd go see Friends with her at friends' houses whenever she wanted. I told her matchmaker to have a discussion with her to influence her to continue the shidduch (meeting). In my thoughts I also contacted my matchmaker and I told her and her husband that I appreciate everything they've done for me, and to expect a call from her matchmaker on Sunday afternoon because her and I arranged it that we would continue dating.
While I was at it, I sent a message to my mom telling her that I love her; to my grandmother apologizing for not visiting as often as I should and that I love her, and to my father telling him that I appreciate and love him for the man he has become, and that I will work on my anger thing towards him. I also contacted my brother and told him that I wish we were closer and that we should hang out more and be friends.
Anyway, I'm not one to do something like this, nor am I a person who would even believe that one can have a telepathic conversation at will -- at least not openly. However, during our date last week, she told me that she was telepathic; so if what she said is true, she would have heard my message this afternoon. If not, or if she does not respond to my message, it will have been a cute little exercise in futility; plus, it didn't hurt to try.
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